(30 Capsules) Traditional Chinese Medicine
Nature’s Sunshine’s Chinese herbal combinations are based on 5000 years of Chinese herbal tradition. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes the use of herbal medicine, continues to provide primary healthcare throughout Asia even in these modern times. AD-C is considered a chi-regulating formula. An important concept in TCM, chi (also known as qi) is the vital life energy of the body and is considered essential for all life. The chi flows through the body following pathways called meridians. The goal in TCM, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, is to keep the chi flowing unobstructed in order to maintain optimum health. Balanced chi, according to Chinese philosophy, also encourages an overall sense of well-being. The Chinese call this formula jie yu, which can be translated to mean “relieve anxiety and tension.” According to TCM, when the liver is functioning at itspeak, positive mood may be maintained.